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Russian showers
Friday, September 21, 2007
Here's another great story from trip #1.

And this might be more of a State by State funny story. But in California we have some pretty strong water conservation rules, like all toilets must be 1.6 gallon sized and all faucets are required to have restricted flow devices built into them. Not to mention that most of the municipal water service around the state is fairly low pressure to begin with.

The same is certainly not true for Russia. Not sure if you're a Seinfeld fan but there was a great episode in which Kramer was ticked off with the low flow shower heads that were installed in the their apartment building, so he ends up buying a black market shower head from Yugoslavia or somewhere. And he's all excited because he now can finally take a "real" shower.

Well he installs the thing and the water pressure is so massive that it literally knocks him down in the shower as he tries desperately to stand back up as the shower is kicking out a water stream that looks like it's coming from a fire engine hose.

That was the shower head in our room in the Hotel Novosibirsk. And man, it was great!!! It took the whole concept of "Going with the flow" with Russian adoptions to a whole new level.
posted by Steveg @ 8:33 PM  
  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    YES, YES, yes we live in CA and have a low flow shower and yes we watch Seinfeld. Glad you enjoyed your shower. Mom

  • At 9:57 AM, Blogger Lauri said…

    I had the best hair ever while in Russia.... must have been the water pressure. It was heaven

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