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A busy Friday
Friday, September 07, 2007
Stef was working from home today because we are starting to get the items we need for the second part of the dossier done (that will have to be done in order to get a court date). And one of the items is a doctor letter. Basically it's an annual check-up and then a letter from him stating we're okay. So far we do not believe we need do to a full 8-Doctor medical for our region. This letter should suffice. So we were all set to get that done this morning.

But of course, there was a slight change of plans.

We got a call from our agency that we needed one of our documents redone and a new type of document for our homestudy agency. Fortunately, our homestudy agency actually thought the Russians might ask for this and had already given it to us.

Yes, we're extremely happy with those guys as well.

Anyway, all of this needs to be apostilled and so we figure, well, let's reschedule the doctor appointments to the week we get back and just go and redo the one document this morning and head up to Sacramento to get the apostilles done. So that's exactly what we did and in the process nipped this hiccup in the bud.

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And I think this little change for our Friday highlights those things you have happen pretty often throughout this whole process. And for those that are either just starting out or thinking about adopting always remember two key things:

Just go with the flow and Expect the unexpected

And if you don't worry about it and don't get freaked when your plans change (because they will) you'll have a much easier road. Just remember that great quote by Dr. Martin Luther King:

Keep an eye on the prize

The kid(s), the new family, the new life is what it's all about. Don't worry too much about the BS that has to go with it.
posted by Steveg @ 2:16 PM  
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I'm Steve and this is my wife Stefanie. This is our story, mostly seen through my eyes, of the journey to create our family by adopting a child from Russia.

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Edward Dowling