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They're at it again
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Oh baby the folks on FRUA are indeed priceless.

I wrote some time ago about how I felt it was totally unacceptable to make specific derogatory attack posts about a specific forum member. And of course not a month could go by without it happening again on that forum. Now it's true that the crux of the issue is a very derogatory statement made by a person which has now led to the lynch mob tactics against that person. And although I was quite frankly appalled at the original comment which led to this, the response is just as bad.

I wish folks whould remember that when posting to a forum about "Russian Adoption" they should follow the old "don't talk about religion or politics" mantra. Or at least the religion part. But here again I have to rail on the "administrator" of that forum (and I put that in quotes because most of the problems on that forum are due in some small part to their incompetence in that role). They should be deleting posts asap which are so obviously insulting.

A public forum is not the place for either kind of behavior that is going on. That stuff belongs in some useless cavity of meaningless and arbitrary dribble. Like a blog for example.

Oh, and just some more words of advice. Don't use the "N" word about someone of African-American decent, don't use the word "Crusade" to a Muslim, don't compare anything the Israeli army has done or will do to Hitler, no matter how stupid he is don't tell a Fundamentalist Christian that Bush is a moron.

Okay, okay so the last one might be a slight exaggeration.

The point is, learn a little history and recognize that the worst of the worst for a particular peoples should never be drawn as a comparison to those same peoples.

There are so many other words and ways to degrade, insult, humiliate, disgrace, demean, and belittle people. And if you are clever you can do it while making them laugh. It's called satire, I do it all the time, it's great fun. Go ahead, give it a try.
posted by Steveg @ 5:41 PM  
  • At 8:26 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    Oh my. I don't know what thread you are referring to, but it sounds as if things have gotten quite nasty. It's such a shame - FRUA can be a wonderful source of support, but all to often it slips into ugliness.

  • At 3:18 PM, Blogger Allison said…

    Bravo! I couldn't have said it better myself. I was shocked by the original comment that started the whole rampage, but I was even more shocked that the administrator didn't act promptly and remove the offending posts. Makes me want to stay off of a FRUA.

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