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Money Belts
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I've tried out a couple of the suggestions for the whole "money belt" thing. I bought both a money belt (or really what looks like a very very very thin fanny pack) and a money ankle belt. But you really need to test out which one you're comfortable with (assuming you even feel you need one).

The ankle thing feels a bit odd for me while the traditional money belt I don't seem to notice. So I'm going to go with the belt. But again, you have to see which one works for you. The ankle is probably more convenient but it annoyed the heck out of me. But I'm pretty odd when it comes to socks (I hate over the calf men's socks). I didn't even bother to try the around the neck ones based on Jim's recommendation against them.

I also did not go for the more expensive silk model of money belts. I bought the one M- recommended (they make both a microfiber one about $12 and silk about $25). I'm not much of a silk fan so it was an easy choice for me. But someone more accustomed to wearing silk (notice, I didn't say "a woman") might find it more comfortable but for me microfiber will do.

The brand is Eagle Creek and I got it at the local REI. Now I just want to use it, as in asap.
posted by Steveg @ 12:12 PM  
  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger M- said…

    I love mine. Its been to Russia 3 times now, and still as good as new. I keep the bulk of money in it, and carry a bit in my pocket as well (I don't carry a purse). I have one that goes around my neck as well, but I don't wear it. I used to store my plane tickets, passports, etc in and keep it hidden in my hotel room.

  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger Dede said…

    Good info, thanks! Is Stef going to carry one too or is she going with a purse option?

  • At 3:16 PM, Blogger Steveg said…

    I think she's just doing the purse thing. We're not going to be carrying that much cash plus we don't really need to hold on to it that long.

    Stef who of course has this whole thing nailed (remember she's a project manager in real life), says we just have two sets of cash both of which are given to our first contacts in Moscow (even the region specific cash).

    So the only carrying cash we will end up having will be for souvenirs, walking around money, etc.

  • At 4:08 AM, Blogger Melissa said…

    If I knew where ours went, I would have given them to you. DH didn't have a problem with it, but mine almost went in the airplane toilet when I was in there. Apparantly after several hours it loosened or I dont know, but it slid down. Thank goodness I caught it. The last trip, I think he jsut put the money in his bag that he carried the important papers in. he has one of those oversized wallet things that hold credit cards, passports, plane tickets, and money. he put that in his brief case with the papers and had no problems.

  • At 4:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    We used one - my husband wore it with the bulk of our cash. He wore it under his clothes against his back. The bad thing is that then he sat against it for the entire trip. By the time we got to our destination - so much for crisp new bills. It wasn't bad and we didn't have any problem at all with the money, it was just a little 'custom fit' to the curve of his back. :) Anyway, we thought it was funny - having spent time to get the 'newest' bills we could.

  • At 7:32 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    I'm glad you tried both. It seems a little funny walking around with a money belt before you go, but in my view it is better to find out what works before you're committed to it.

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