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A post script on FRUA
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Don't get me wrong, I don't consider the FRUA forum hell on earth or anything. There are tons of good threads. Threads that give you great information, things like stuff on adoption tax credits, what hotels to stay in, the whole "30 below outside but they crank up the heat inside to 90 degrees everywhere in Russia", anything posted by Jim (well almost anything).

Keep in mind that Snowsuit swap idea came from a post I read on FRUA (special thanks to FRUA person who goes by "Dannyssong" for that one). And I do continue to post things there every now and then. But since I'm using Stef's account, I tend to post infrequently and even then I make sure I'm on my best behavior.

This blog is different, I'm on my "toddler behavior". Well hopefully not that bad. But the reality is a blog is a singular point of view. It's my blog, plain and simple. And since the Patriot Act has not eliminated the First Amendment, I can post my opinion pretty freely. And of course, I do. But you know what you're getting. It's pretty easy when reading my blog (or anyone else's for that matter) to ascertain the beliefs and the ideology of the blogger.

The premise is that you came here to me, pardon the pun, to hear me.

My contention with FRUA is that they are a community forum. And naturally there's a big difference between that and a blog. Now, it's okay to be vocal on FRUA and even a bit heated. But it's not okay to grossly flame someone on an open forum.

It's sort of like if you really disliked someone and you went to their work and started to tell everyone at their workplace what a bad person they were (or their church or their gym or whatever). A blog is more like going out with your friends to a bar and complaining about that person you disliked.

But just like others, I do check it out and there is often good information that is hard to find elsewhere, sort of like a garage sale. But like a yard sale, there's a lot of trash too.
posted by Steveg @ 7:56 AM  
  • At 3:53 PM, Blogger Valerie said…

    Yes, I agree. FRUA is a mixed bag filled with tons of useful information and a little bit of crap! I'm trying to stay away these days as I find it to be a bit depressing, for a multitude of reasons, but it's a little addiction, isn't it? I love speaking my mind on MY blog!

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