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Parents are clever, when the kid is just toddler
Monday, July 09, 2007
A couple of days ago in the Purchase of the Week post Rhonda mentioned that she had gotten floor mats that actually made sounds like car and train noises when her son stepped on them. The batteries as Rhonda says "were promtly removed." Jim then told the funny story that his 5 year old still believes that when the batteries in a sound toy run out, that's it for the toy. The toy will never be able to make sound again.

He says he'll let her in on the secret soon (like when she's 18).

All this reminded me of a line my dad used for nearly a decade (between myself and my little sister).

You see, we were very lucky children. There are many children in the world who aren't as fortunate as we were, according to my dad. These children didn't have as many toys or clothes or blankets or all sorts of stuff that we had. He went on to explain that there were two particular kids that he knew quite well and that we really needed to help them. We needed to give them gifts of our old toys and things so that they could have as happy a childhood as we were having.

And we were told that they're names were Myrtle and Gyrtle.

Oh yes, Myrtle and Gyrtle. Yes, that's what the story was and even more ridiculous, we believed it.

I'm not quite sure when I caught on to this sham, it was certainly after I had started school so I might have been a sucker till I was like seven. I really hope it wasn't any later than that. My ego just couldn't take it.

But you can be absolutely sure of one thing...

For our child Myrtle and Gyrtle will be used in full force. It really made me feel good when I was little that I was helping out these poor little kids who were like me but just didn't have all the cool toys I got. I actually still have in my mind an image of what these two kids looked like.

And of course my parents did donate the usable stuff so in essence part of the story was true. Although I'm sure some of the stuff was so bad it had to trashed.

Back to that snowsuit thing. If there's enough interest I'd be glad to set up a website so that people with snowsuits they have no use for can donate them to parents who need them for the pickup trip. And then those parents can re-donate them to other parents and so on.

If you are interested in this just email me (the email is under my profile, the link is under our picture on the top right).


posted by Steveg @ 1:05 PM  
  • At 4:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    For snowsuits you might try Craigslist in a traditionally 'cold winter' city. I just checked in Chicago and there were a few listings, even now in July. You could either offer to pay via paypal and have them ship it to you or you might even contact them to see if they would be willing to donate to your exchange. Or, if you know someone in a northern city maybe they can help you out by looking at second-hand shops. Baby snow suits are rarely used more than one season I would imagine so they should be in good condition for the most part.
    Another factor to consider is warmth. Run-of-the-mill poly fill coats or snowsuits may not be warm enough. If you are going to be in Siberia in the dead of winter you will probably need a down-filled coat/snowsuit. We are donating coats to the Children's Home where our daughter is. Our agency said we may not be able to get coats that are warm enough for their climate. I did some research and found that down has the best cold-weather rating, even in sub-zero temps. Anyway, sorry to ramble on, just trying to help out by sharing whatever info I can.

  • At 5:55 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    I love the idea and we'd be thrilled to donate our snowsuits for the cause.

  • At 8:36 PM, Blogger Ryan and Katie said…

    I have to chuckle a little when I read about your "Temp-phobia".

    Being from Nebraska, we spend about 4-6 weeks a year emerged in Siberia-like weather.

    The trick is mental power. You're only cold if you let it get in your head. Of course, it's also a good idea to stay in the car as long as possible and then run from building to building. The less time you're actually exposed to the air, the better.

    If all else fails, then I agree with everyone else. Get a ridiculously huge, fat, padded, hooded, lined, down, winter coat.... from Ebay.

    Good luck

  • At 9:30 PM, Blogger A Room to Grow said…

    great idea about the snowsuit swap. i'm going to be in denial about this for a while... but maybe you'll see me there...

  • At 5:28 AM, Blogger Dede said…

    I left you a message on a FRUA but I'll leave the same one here. I like the idea of a snowsuit website. If we travel in snowsuit season, you can count me in!

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I'm Steve and this is my wife Stefanie. This is our story, mostly seen through my eyes, of the journey to create our family by adopting a child from Russia.

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Edward Dowling