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The 4th of July is still key
Friday, June 29, 2007
I just got some more news on the hotline and want to clarify a few things. First, the signing of the accreditation certificate appears to have actually already occurred (the way I figure it that happened yesterday, June 28th). The importance of July 4th is that is the actual date that our agency expects to have their certificate in hand. Their Moscow office will get it, but since that's a holiday here there won't be anyone to update a hotline or post it on their website or whatever. So our agency won't be officially announcing their accreditation until Thursday July 5th.

And who knows how long it will be before the MOE posts information about it on their official website. Although strangely enough they (the MOE) seem to move pretty fast sometimes when it comes to their website. The information back in the end of December about accreditations starting up made it to the website in truly "internet speed" if I recall.

Our agency's next online chat is a week from Monday which of course is after all this stuff becomes officially official so I will be able to post a lot more information at that time. Although there still will be some major unknowns (timing of referrals, etc.) simply because everything is starting up again and we just don't know where exactly we are in the queue, how many other agencies will be working in our region, etc. In fact, it is still possible that our agency may suggest to us to move to a different region if they feel it will be easier to get us a referral somewhere else.

But I really hope not. We've learned quite a bit about Omsk and are quite excited about being able to go there. It's a very big city which fits us well, their baby homes have great reputations which is extremely important to us, and their judges have a reputation of not being too bizarre (some places are known to have extremely picky judges).

Important Note for folks like us still in the process. Of course by now you've read on FRUA about this news. It was actually reported by someone who posted the name of their agency. And she had posted almost identical information to what I mentioned. However, the key point here is that the agency mentioned in FRUA is not our agency. What that means is that there are at least two agencies (and I think it's going to be like 15-20) that have been told they've been reaccredited.

So even if you haven't heard anything from your agency, don't start worrying. As I've said for awhile now I believe the MOE will do a mass accreditation signing (or actually have done). So there will most likely be a large number of agencies who will have their certificates next week. And even if your agency is not within this first round of signings, keep in mind that during the last major delay back in 2005, there was a first round followed very quickly (it was only about 3 weeks later) with a second round of accreditations.
posted by Steveg @ 9:29 AM  
  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Jim said…

    Maybe I can lend some insight here to bolster what you wrote. The act of accrediting foreign adoption agencies in Russia is performed by ministerial order. That means that the Minister of Education and Science (MoE) signs a written document that declares a list of agencies as accredited for some term, in accordance with regulations. My belief is that such a document was signed yesterday.

    Now, according to GD#654, which are the rules governing accreditation, if that document was signed yesterday, your agency is now officially accredited. The problem is, there is no evidence of that until the ministerial order is published, and most other officials in the process want to see the actual certificate. GD#654 gives the MoE up to ten days to issue certificates.

    So, an issue date of July 4 makes perfect sense, if the order was truly signed yesterday. I am continuing to look for direct evidence of that order. So far I have not yet seen it in any of the Russian government document databases that I regularly examine.

    In any case, congratulations are in order!

  • At 11:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    What great news!! Yesterday I said I hope it is soon, and it sounds like it had already been done. That really is soon! Of course there are still details like Jim says, of publishing the document etc. I still say, I hope it is soon.
    Love, Mother

  • At 6:24 PM, Blogger JennStar said…

    That's such wonderful news. We've heard from our agency that the process for us has started (our agency's accredidation, that is), but they assume that they'll be a bit behind the bunch since they were the last to still have theirs (Alliance). What a wonderful note to go to sleep tonight on!

  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Suz said…

    This news is wonderful. We know our agency is sadly not in this first batch but we're holding out hope with all our might that it won't be too long in coming!!

    I am beginning to feel relief and starting to believe again that we will be able to bring V home after all!

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