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More on the rumor
Sunday, June 17, 2007
There is one fairly hopeful sign in this current rumor. It does come from a very reputable agency. Stef says that in the past they've been pretty accurate with stuff they say, of course we don't see everything since they're not our agency. We can only judge on what others (this agency's clients) have posted.

It will be interesting next week to see if any other agency comes out with similar news. I'm sure our agency will be on the phone to their Moscow staff to see if they can dig up any confirmation.

It's just my opinion, but once the accreditations are dished out I think they'll be in one massive bunch, rather than one agency at a time. That's what happened the last time there was a major delay and it's reasonable to assume it will occur again. However, it would still be a huge positive step even if it's just this one agency who gets accredited now. Once one has it, the others are sure to follow.

Needless to say, this should be an interesting week.
posted by Steveg @ 2:38 PM  
  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger A Room to Grow said…

    hmmm, interesting rumor i would like to follow this week!

    i haven't heard anything but will now be obsessively checking my VM and emails for news from our agency.

    here's to a good week - hopefully!

  • At 5:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You will be checking your information sources to hear what they have to say, and I will be checking to see what you have to say. Let's hope its good news this week.
    Love, Mother

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