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Back to my old self (though not quite physically)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
If you haven't noticed I'm over the funk I've been in recently. Still pissed at the delay but going on with my normal routine of having fun with life. After all, you only have one life so you better enjoy it. Or as I often say life is too short...and so am I.

The joke there being that I'm 5'6". Of course Joe Morgan is that short and he won 2 MVP awards for the Cincinnati Reds in the 70's, not to mention a Hall of Famer. Speaking of great short baseball stars, if you look up the record for most RBIs in a single season you'll find the name Hack Wilson who was also 5'6" and who in 1930 set the record with 190 RBI (yep more than Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, or even Barry Bonds ever got). Of course Hack was 5'6" and 190 pounds!!!

Holy crap, what a porker. I feel fat when I go over 150 pounds, which unfortunately due to my state of mind over the past few weeks I ate myself up to (and past). But not to worry, Stef and I are back to our daily exercise walks and I'm curtailing the lunches at Togo's so I should be back to my slim and trim 140 in no time. I mean, I owe it to all the women out there. As Woody Allen said, "Some men have it and some men don't, fortunately I'm full of it." Yep, that's me...Full of it.
posted by Steveg @ 5:55 PM  
  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I just posted a comment re Stef's
    recent blog, I had forgotten to check the last couple days. Anyway we all need to enjoy life while we can. One of Jack's friends who just turned 80 told him yesterday to do all you can while you can, that there is a big differnce between 75 and 80. So you see you have a long time to keep enjoying life and doing IT.
    Love, Mother

  • At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hang in there!! It will be worth it!!
    --Fellow Russian adoption blogger Lisa
    web site: www.arkangels.org
    blog: 360.yahoo.com/lisamikeplus3

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Edward Dowling