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Getting ready to rock
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thankfully things seem to be really moving now and we're getting very hopeful that we'll be hearing some good news soon. Now, I'm pretty open on this blog as my...er...comments about the FRUA forum had indicated. However, there are a number of things that I've kept pretty close to the vest. For example, we don't mention our agency's name although as you can tell we're very happy with them and would be delighted to recommend them to anyone. But we prefer to discuss that 1 on 1 in email where we know who we're talking to and not here in a blog that anyone can stop by and read.

So as we get close to getting a referral I may be a bit cryptic when we get some news, or even downright unrevealing. For the regular readers I have no problem letting you know what's happening but you're not the only ones to view my blog. I do check who visits the blog and find some pretty unusual stuff. I use Statcounter.com and the tools are pretty good. I see which IP address visits the site, what country or state they're in, and for how long they viewed the blog. But you can't tell from just an IP address who the person is and you just don't know why their visiting the site.

You can also see how someone got to my blog if they used a search engine (like Google) and there are some pretty weird ones. As in they came to my adoption blog by searching for Russian brides in Omsk. Or Stef's favorite, someone searched for "40 year old men in diapers". Of course in my blog article about diapers I mentioned I was over 40 years old and it was going to be hard to learn how to change diapers. I suspect that the person who did that search was a bit disappointed when they landed on my site.

As a result I've started a private (invite only) blog for our family and close friends which I'll be posting to with more details. So don't feel slighted if we end up not posting some of the details here until after the fact. When it comes to the Internet, it's better to be safe than sorry.
posted by Steveg @ 11:21 AM  
  • At 3:51 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Completely understandable!

  • At 5:50 PM, Blogger Tami said…

    I think it's the smart thing to do. I sometimes wonder whether I'm putting too much info out there. For our first three adoptions (from Russia) we hadn't heard of blogs. As internet unsaavy as I was then, I probably would have posted way too much info. Thankfully, the decision is out of my hands for this adoption. Ukraine doesn't give referrals until you are in the country. So I won't be tempted until we're already there! :)

  • At 6:15 PM, Blogger Steveg said…

    The other thing that kind of freaked me out a few weeks ago was that one of the IP address was listed as from a Russian government department.

    We've had bunches of people visit the blog while in Russia but they're always from independent ISPs (sometimes the name of the hotel), but never a government address.

    Thankfully the blog posts at the time were pretty non-confrontational. But it made me think.

  • At 7:24 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    hey, you gotta do what is most comfortable to you. I do hope that you get the referral this month though. So I guess your agency was in the first batch of accredited ones. Congrats;

  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger Ryan and Katie said…

    Most of my blogs are shallow and vague. I understand your position 100%. Nevertheless I'm disappointed that we won't be able to hear things as they unfold. I've come to enjoy your blog and your adoption story. Feel free to include us in your private blog. (Hint Hint)

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I'm Steve and this is my wife Stefanie. This is our story, mostly seen through my eyes, of the journey to create our family by adopting a child from Russia.

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Edward Dowling