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Thursday, August 02, 2007
Nothing too interesting to report. We're working on getting the new dossier done. The good news is that the updated dossier requires much less pages. Actually that should be the new region's dossier requirements are less than our old region's requirements. Most of it is the same stuff but instead of needing 4 copies of our passports (yes, that was 4 copies of each of our passports), we now only need 2 each.

But all those less pages mean less notaries and less apostilles which means we get to do my favorite activity...

Save Money!!!

If you're just started your adoption journey my only hope for you is that you don't live in California. The apostille service here in the Golden State costs lots and lots of gold. Last year when we first did our dossier I wrote this story about apostille costs.
posted by Steveg @ 8:50 AM  
  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger Melissa said…

    It costs ridiculous amounts of cash here too in NJ. If you want it expedited it is $20 a document or if you can wait a couple of weeks it is $5 a page. However as you know, a lot of the stuff towards the end and inbet. trips is expedited. Your lucky if you get a days notice. And you cant wait around for it. Expedited is next day service. This is not including the cost of fed exing the stuff either.

  • At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So, was he successful in killing the bill?? I assume he wasn't since you still spoke of saving money since there were less papers! Here's hoping.

  • At 4:08 PM, Blogger yorkiemom said…

    The bill is dead for now which means $20 for each apostille plus $6 for each different notary if you hand deliver your documents to Sacramento. If you send them through the mail, you save the $6 per notary (thanks that really helps with the charges). Like Steve mentioned, we try to use the same notary for as many of the documents as we can to save as many $6 fees as we can :)

    The new region has about half as many copies of documents so we'll get to save money that way.

  • At 9:13 PM, Blogger Suz said…

    Gosh, I'm sorry you have to pay such a high cost for those apostilles! At least they're pretty!!

    In Texas, there is a $100 cap (don't shoot me) but our apostilles are ugly. Plain and ugly.

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger M- said…

    Shoot, $20-26/document. And I thought we had it bad at $15/document here in Washington. But I will say, they are quick here, generally a one day turn around.

  • At 9:22 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    Yes, Apostilles in California are pricey. But they can be even worse if you live in SoCal, since you can't easily just scoot up to Sacramento on a day trip. My wife and I ran a bunch of docs for apostille this morning down to the satellite SecState office in San Diego; the fees are the same as walking them in up north. However, to take them to a satellite office means that you have to get the notary signature authenticated at the county level first, which in our case is an extra $5 per document.

    Adds up. :(

  • At 9:52 AM, Blogger Valerie said…

    Ok, you really got off easy. We live in L.A. and our dossier was a whopping 70 documents!! (How do others only have 29 documents??) Total cost for apostille: $1400.00.

    That pretty much sucked. I wrote to the Governator. California is way too progressive of a state to be charging such ridiculous amounts of money to better the life of a family and a child.

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