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Docs and Words
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Dossier status

We got the dossier to our agency (the Fedex arrived this morning) and they're checking it over today. Hopefully it will just be a couple of weeks for translation and shipment to Novosibirsk, not to mention a review by the regional MOE, and then we should be able to get some travel dates.

Our Russian studies are progressing well

We've been using flash cards of the alphabet and both Stef and I are pretty solid on knowing the Cyrillic alphabet now. We've also been using flash cards for our vocabulary learning. The CDs (we used the Pimsleur ones) were very good but sometimes it was really hard to hear the exact pronunciation of the words. Fortunately Russian is a very phonetic language, so knowing the spelling of the words had made it easy for us to get the right pronunciation.

We're probably only at maybe a 70 word vocabulary right now, but we should be able to be around 100 when we travel. And probably double that (hopefully more) by our second trip. The words we're focusing in on for the first trip are just common stuff (hello, good bye, thank you, please, where's is the restroom, etc.) as well as a few things to say at the orphanage (good boy, beautiful boy, etc.).

For the second trip we'll want to have a few things we can say in court. Again, the point here is not to become fluent, but just to make an attempt to speak in their language which we believe shows respect.
posted by Steveg @ 10:31 AM  
  • At 4:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Good for you. I was wondering about the Russian language lessons, which understandably you let slide. It will be good to speak a little and to know a few words for him.
    Love, Mother

  • At 5:35 PM, Blogger Dede said…

    We are doing the same thing. I purchased the book "Easy Russian Phrasebook & Dictionary" to take with us that looks pretty good. The ISBN # is 0-8442-4279-9 if you want to check it out. If you run across anything better please be sure to post for the rest of us. Good luck!

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    I didn't learn the whole alphabet, but being in a sorority helped a lot with the Greek letters. So I was able to figure out a lot of words from that. Who knew that beyond being grilled about the greek alphabet from the sisters, it would come to good use in the future.

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