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Vote...but please use your little grey cells
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
So of course mid-term elections are being held today and yes I voted, and no I didn't vote for one party or the other but instead (as I have learned to do) made a conscience effort to vote for the person I thought could make good decisions (regardless of whether or not they shared my belief on war, taxes, a woman's right to choose, etc.).

The real problem we have today is that the voters are not making good decisions themselves. Instead of what they should be doing (and that is voting for people they feel are intelligent, honest, basically those who make good decisions) they are instead voting for people that share their same beliefs (whether those are religious or non-religious beliefs, pro-this or anti-that). And they fail to realize that the two parties are merely two halves of the same coin.

Both parties are NOT interested in getting things done (i.e., governing the country), instead they want to insure that their candidates get into office since it is more common for an incumbent to win, thus they (the party) does not need to spend as much money for that particular seat in future elections.

So instead of saying, "The government sucks" just look into a mirror and say it. The voters who elected these folks in (regardless of party) did so as their representatives. And sure enough, they do represent who you are (sometimes for better, sometimes for worse). The people I vote for rarely win by the way, but I like to think of that as a compliment to my own intelligence (whether that's true or not).
posted by Steveg @ 3:15 PM  
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Edward Dowling