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Nothing too interesting
Monday, September 25, 2006
We're going to have a couple of weeks here where not too much will be happening, at least from our view. Our dossier is in Moscow right now getting translated. And as mentioned that should take a couple of weeks to get done.

And we really just need reaccreditation to get going. We should be hearing pretty soon if the MOE has determined if they can get that started again or need some sort of rewording to Government Decision No. 268 (again that's the "instruction guide" detailing how exactly agencies get accredited).

Personally I think it's going to be the latter but that should get done fairly soon (hopefully just a month or two). But we're not really worried if it takes a bit longer. Of course we would like to traveling in the fast lane on the freeway, we also realize things have been moving quite quickly for us so a slow down here or there isn't the end of the world.
posted by Steveg @ 10:05 PM  
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Edward Dowling