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News today, cautious but hopeful
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
News from our agency today that there is still not a clear and definitive view of the documents needed for accreditation and how they (the MOE) want them. As I've mentioned before, although the "what" for accreditation is spelled out officially within decree 654, the real way the Russian government wants that "what" has not yet be communicated to adoption agencies.

However, our agency said they are pretty sure they know what is needed and how they wanted it. So on the hotline, they said they are going to send those off to Moscow today. Their feeling is worst case they have to redo a few documents but at least they'll get the ball rolling.

This was the same approach they took with the NGO registration and it seemed to work out quite well as our agency was one of the first 15 or so to get NGO. As a result of that history, I'm very pleased they are again doing it this way. And they seemed more upbeat (but as always cautious) that accreditation will happen within several weeks (rather than months).

Also there was a story out of Russia that the Duma had voted nearly unanimously to send a resolution to the Prime Minister saying that decree #654 was violating Russian law. Well, needless to say this sent people into a tizzy.

But I had read someone's insightful comment on the FRUA site (yes, occasionally I still read the forums) that this move by the Duma appeared to be very much like our own Congress when they do a "Non Binding Resolution". Meaning they just get to communicate something that really does nothing. And since it does nothing, most members of Congress vote for it because...

A) They get to move passed the topic and onto something they feel is more important

B) Since it's not binding, it does nothing so even if they don't really support it, they know it doesn't do any harm voting for it

C) They get the author of the resolution (who usually has a bug up their ass) to shut up

Well, the author of this Duma thing is a real piece of work. It's some stupid deputy who is totally against foreign adoptions. Of course this person doesn't try to get additional money or resources devoted to the Russian orphanages, no that would make too much sense. No, they just don't want Russian orphans adopted by foreigners. How nice.

It's the saddest part of being involved in an international adoption, the fact that politics are being played with little children don't have enough food, or health care, or 1 on 1 interaction to help them reach their potential. Anyway, our agency basically discounted that Duma action as being even less of an impact than our Congress' "Non Binding Resolution" so all in all it was a hopeful and upbeat hotline today.
posted by Steveg @ 10:38 AM  
  • At 6:52 PM, Blogger Jeff & Maria said…

    Great blog, you are a wealth of information! Fingers cross for good new soon.

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Edward Dowling