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Wednesday, December 06, 2006
This is just some thoughts I need to get out of my head. Every now and then I get some feelings that I just need to get out and this blog is a great way to do that.

I have no problems with men crying or anything like that, but it's sometimes difficult for me to express somethings and I'm sure that's just because of the cultural traditions that I've been encumbered with.

Anyway, I only had one grandmother living when I was born. My mother's father had died well before my parents were even married. And my dad's mom was...well a bit senile by the time I came along and I only saw her once before she died (which was when I was very young).

During this waiting time I imagine all the cool things we're going to do with Lil' G. Stupid stuff like going to the zoo for the first time, listening to music, reading Shakespeare for the first time, all that stuff. Okay so I'm a bit supercilious.

The other cool thing is that my mother-in-law is a pretty cool lady. So our kid gets this kick-ass grandmother. First, she's intelligent (which is paramount in my book). Second, she loves to have fun.

For her xxxxxxxith birthday we all met in Las Vegas, us and Stef's brother Jon and his significant other. It was awesome. I really love this lady. I don't call her mom (but I wish I did). Anyway, I'm just so happy our child is going to have what I didn't have and that's a grandmother.

I just like to think about all the cool things our Lil' G is going to get to do with "grandma" and that he/she will have a connection that I never really had.

Okay, got that off my chest. Let me grab a tissue and get back to reading about my beloved 49ers. Ciao.
posted by Steveg @ 12:22 PM  
  • At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My daughter's grandmother (my mother) is too overwelmed with her grandaughter. She suffers because she can't see her every hour of every day. It's wonderful yet it's demanding too. I have to find time every week for their visit but I know my daugther loves seeing her grandparents.

  • At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Steve,
    While you are "waiting" here's an interesting article to read other than your 49'ers update. I'm a native SF, 49'ers fan and have completed my adoption. I was "waiting" for my referral around this time last year too...trust me...read the article.
    And it's okay if you reach for the Kleenex from time to time :)


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