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Being lucky
Friday, March 30, 2007
Mommyto5, who obviously is one of those rare human beings who has exceptional patience what with having five kids, wrote a nice comment on my last post. See we should send these types of people to resolve all the world's cantankerous issues like the Middle East, but I digress. Her comment was ..."in the end I can look back and say the timing could not have been better and every road block and heartache happened for a reason, but while I was going thru it it all wasn't that clear to me..."

And that, I do believe, is quite true. Negative things happen, but most often they lead us to better things. In my very first job out of college the company (a retail giant that has a Thanksgiving Day parade) went into bankruptcy and even though I was on a fast track there after 2+ years I, along with like 1600 people, were laid off. But it was one the best things to ever happen to me. First, thankfully, I was out of the very tough world of retail and second within a couple of weeks I had a new job at some little computer company called Apple. And about ten years later I was able to retire at the ripe old age of 39. If I had stayed in retail I probably would still be working (with a salary about half of what my last salary was in the high tech world).

If you're religious it's God's hand or if not it's Karma or if you're a Star Wars fan it's the Force. Whatever your belief system, I do believe that things work themselves out for a reason. I do not, however, believe that we do not have the power to influence them.

Branch Rickey who was perhaps the greatest general manager in the game of baseball (he worked for the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers and was the great man who brought Jackie Robinson into Major League Baseball thus breaking the color barrier), has a quote that I've firmly believed and followed since I heard it when I was about 13 years old...

"Luck is the residue of design"

We make ourselves lucky or unlucky by our actions. And I firmly believe both Stef and I have made the correct choices during this adoption process to insure that we end up being "Lucky".
posted by Steveg @ 12:10 PM  
  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger Suzanne said…


    We had hoped to bring our children home summer of 05 -- got them home fall of 06.

    Had we done it in our timing we would not have our daughter, our perfect-fit sunshine-and-light our-family-needs-her daughter. I'm so very grateful, in hindsight, for all the horrible delays and stalls.

  • At 1:10 PM, Blogger Nancy said…

    Hi ,

    I have to agree with suzanne, we believe that we will be lead to the perfect girl for us, so with each delay I try and remind myself that our girl isn't ready yet; she will be ready when we are. I think the same will happen for you, your perfect child won't be ready until you are.

  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Lauri said…

    Im curious have you ever read the " law of attraction" or seen the movie "the secret".... very interesting points about how our thoughts & feelings create our current reality

    I agree with the whole timing and meant to be aspect of the way things worked out for us.. it does not make the dreaded wait any easier..

    change your feelings and change your day

    hang in there

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