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Moving in slow motion
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Unfortunately I caught a cold over the weekend and it's really been slowing me down. The worst part is that in my little teaching gig I had given the first exams in both classes last week so I had to do all the grading this weekend. Which turned out to be pretty hard since it's a little tough to concentrate on grading an accounting exam while you're on Nyquil. So I'm feeling like I'm moving in slow motion right now. But with a little rest and some good old chicken soup I should be back to normal in a couple of days.

Speaking of slow motion, we're having a little delay in getting the home-study sent off to all the folks who need it. I think it's just that everyone at the home-study agency is quite busy right now. And it's not all that big of a deal, but we do need to get this officially completed so that we can get started on the dossier (which we do with the placement agency).

Since there is no real news on the whole NGO/Reaccrediation situation we technically can't move forward even if everything on our end was completed. However, we really want to be 100% ready to go when our placement agency does get their NGO/Reaccrediation completed which is why this delay in the home-study is not a huge deal but still something we would like to get resolved quickly.

Hopefully by the end of this week the paperwork will be completed and sent off to the respective folks (placement agency and the US government) and we will be able to get started gathering all the information we need for the dossier.
posted by Steveg @ 12:07 PM  
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Edward Dowling