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The coolest person in the world
Thursday, August 10, 2006
A side pontification here. I knew I wanted to marry Stef after our first date. I know that sounds kinda cheesy, but it's acutally true.

Neither one of us are really morning people and our first "date" was a breakfast. It was at a cool place near the school we were both attending at the time (Arizona State University...Go Devils!!!) called Mae West, although I'm no longer sure it even exists. We talked about all the things two young college kids talk about on dates. But as we talked I could just tell that this woman was someone who was just different than anyone else I had met.

Just the things she said and how she felt about things were just so unique, so special that I could tell at that point that she was the greatest, the most complete, the most logical, caring, special person I had ever met.

As with all marriages that last forever, ours has had bumps in the road (mainly caused by me). But I am so thankful that she has been with me these past 16+ years (13+ as husband and wife) to help me live a nice life and enjoy all the things we experience on this very short ride called "life".

There is no doubt in my mind that she is going to be a great mother. And I actually envy our soon-to-be child that they get to have a mom like Stefanie. I still come from the era when men don't show all they're emotions, but thinking about Stefanie (as I do almost too often each day to count) makes me get pretty emotional sometimes. Like right now as I type this.
posted by Steveg @ 12:04 PM  
  • At 5:39 PM, Blogger Lauren & Cupcake said…

    What can one say to someone who tributes their wife in that fashion? Very touching, very sweet, and so very thoughtful!

  • At 9:18 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    What a wonderful tribute to your wife, Steve. It is clear from your words that your child will not only be lucky to have Stefanie for a mother, but he/she will also be incredibly lucky to be adopted by a family with so much love, and a father who is not afraid to show it.

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