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Cool...We're back on track
Friday, July 14, 2006
So the quick answer is everything is okay. And once again I'm just so happy we picked the agencies we did. There was just a little snafu because one of the agencies required some documents that the other agency said they would send after the other agency approved the home-study. But they needed them prior to approving the home-study and thus we had a little bit of our quandary.

But fortunately our two contacts from the respective agencies talked yesterday and ironed out the issue and everything is set and we are rocking and rolling again.

And of course this provides some evidence to the old saying that you shouldn't count your chickens before they've hatched. I had thought our home-study would have been complete (in fact I think I mentioned a couple of times here) by the end of June. And now here it is mid July and we're just about, practically, almost, nearly, close to done.

posted by Steveg @ 12:25 PM  
  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Rhonda said…

    Glad to see that thing worked themselves out. My fingers are crossed that your home study will be done very shortly!

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Edward Dowling