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Just a little update in a busy week
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Well, I've been a little busy this week because my two classes I'm teaching have their midterm exams. But, yes it's true, I have actually done some work on Operation Pooh. Yep, that's painting tape and drop cloths you see and indeed that does mean that actual painting is right around the corner.

By the way, thanks to everyone for all the comments on this blog. Of course I hope you all realize that the comments on decorating really should be for Stef since she's going to be the lead on that front. I'm just a worker bee, okay an "early retiree/slacker" worker bee.

Been hearing a bunch of talk about some important meeting in which a high ranking person from the MOJ (the Russian Ministry of Justice) will be at along with some of the agencies. Supposedly they will be discussing the new NGO law and (hopefully) how the MOJ can help the agencies to comply with it.

Again, we need our agency to gets it's NGO and reaccreditation done in order for us to proceed. Of course we actually have some things we need to get done ourselves before anything can happen as well. So it's not like we are just waiting for that. We have the massive paper collection task known as the dossier to do.

Stef is the leader and main paper getter and since she's so proficient on stuff like that we'll probably get it done very quickly and so we want our agency cleared and ready to roll when we are.

posted by Steveg @ 1:17 PM  
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"The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it."

Edward Dowling