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A little update on the 268/654 news
Thursday, November 09, 2006
In addition to our weekly hotline our agency has just started a weekly online chat (another reason I love them is they are always on the cutting edge). ? I wasn't on last week which was the first one but was on today.

Anyway, in the chat they mentioned that they believe the duration (keep in mind they have had a limited time to look over the document) for accreditation is going to be five years. Which is still great news. They also believe that accreditations will proceed quickly but just don't have enough information at this point to hazard a guess on when that might be.

Hopefully we should have more news next week. By coincidence, the director of the Russian program for our agency will be in Moscow next week (the trip just happens to be at the right time with 654 being signed).
posted by Steveg @ 3:08 PM  
  • At 11:36 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    I read back through the decree after reading this post of yours and found the reference to five years in section 3. My first read of the decree this morning left me thinking that this was how long the agency had to be in business before it could obtain accreditation. But now that I have re-read it, I am not so sure about that. I guess this is where we need a Russian lawyer to read it for us!

    Glad your agency is on top of things. Sounds like you chose a winner.

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Edward Dowling