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Happy New Year!!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Both Stef and I are really going to celebrate this year's New Year for some obvious reasons. Although we're both pretty sure there are still some unseen difficulties ahead, things are looking bright as the new year approaches.

Our agency passed the NGO hurdle back in September and (along with just about every other agency) submitted their application for accreditation this past week. And that means that accreditation should occur sometime within the next three months.

The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on January 7th and much like in the U.S. the week between Christmas and New Year's (or I guess that's New Year's and Christmas) is traditionally a time of very little work. Another big holiday is the Old New Year (which is based on the Julian calendar which Russia used till the Communist Revolution in 1918) which is January 14th.

So this is why everyone says that very little gets done in the first couple of weeks of January in Russia.

But things are moving along nicely for us, this whole journey hasn't been too long and really been too hard on us. I do hope things move quickly however for all those families that have already gone on their first trip and are awaiting court dates, in some cases for months.

However, it's been a nice year and things are going pretty well right now and the future is certainly bright.

So Happy New Year to all!!!
posted by Steveg @ 5:49 PM  
  • At 9:05 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    You are so patient. I hope as I continue to read your blog that rubs off on me a little.
    Okay I finally got caught up on some of your last posts...
    I love the Diaper Dude black bag. I may look into getting that one.

    Great info on the college savings. I’m going to save that one when we are able to start saving. (Have to pay for the adoption first) It’s scary to look at how much college might cost in 15 years. Ouch indeed!

    There’s 3 sets of Pimsleur CD’s! I had no clue. We have one and I am having a hard time with it. We found a workbook at Barnes & Nobles; Binlingual Books, Russian in 10 minutes a Day. This one has flash cards and stickers in it. As we get closer we’ll probably put the stickers around the house.

    Thanks for all the great info!

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Edward Dowling