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Still thinking
Saturday, December 23, 2006
First just a maintenance note.

I made the switch on blogger to their new version and I've heard a few stories of people who have had some problems with folks leaving comments among other things. So if you do have some problems leaving comments, please do me a favor and email me. It may be that I need to adjust the settings or something.

Back to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

So I wrote that post about trying to decide which diaper bag to get and made the joke that it was a controversial issue. Well...I guess it really is. Between the comments and the emails I got I realize now that people really do have some strong opinions as to which type of bag is best.

But I really think it's due to the type of use you use the bag for. Stef said it's really like the way women choose purses. Some women put a whole lotta stuff in their purse and must have a really big one, to them size matters (sorry just had to say that). Others want a very organized purse with lots of pockets while others want something small, while still others want nothing at all.

Hey, I'm rhyming! I am ready for a kid!

Anyway, I'm still evaluating them. I really need to go to Babies-R-Us or somewhere like that to just take a look at them and see the sizes and really do some hands on analysis.

I'm probably not going do any posting for a few days, so I hope everyone has a happy holiday season.
posted by Steveg @ 11:12 AM  
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Edward Dowling