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From rumors to controversy
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Well, nothing new to report on the accreditation front. I guess there was some rumor going around (WHAT? A rumor involving Russian adoption. Shocking, I know).

It was totally inaccurate (yea, I know, another shocker) that basically said 12 agencies had their information returned for corrections and that the 90 day clock for those agencies was reset. Thus they would have to wait another 90 days to get their accreditations.

Side note: Recall that the law stipulates that the MOE can take no longer than 90 days to determine whether or not an agency gets accreditation.

Bottom line, the rumor (as usual) was bogus.

I was reading the story about Prince's half-time show at the Super Bowl. Evidentially, some people actually believe that Prince's guitar intentionally created a shadow that was phallic shaped.

I'm a bit dismayed that this is actually even a big deal when there's wars, famine, and disease throughout the world. And what do some people care most about? If a shadow from a guitar used in a football game half-time show looks like a penis. Okay, now first off you really have to be looking for something to be able to even imagine that the shadow of a guitar looks like that. But that's something for a professional psychoanalyst to discuss.

But, it once again highlights to me some of the things we need to be thinking about as we teach our child. And If you ask me what is the most important thing I will teach my child. I would have to say it's threefold. First, never stop learning. Second, appreciate your position in the universe. And third always remember the final lines from the Monty Python song "The Galaxy Song"...

And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth.
posted by Steveg @ 9:34 AM  
  • At 11:57 AM, Blogger Suz said…

    Was the debunktation (is that a word) of the rumor something you learned on the bat phone? I've not heard a new thing about re-accreditation at in many days. Nothing on FRUA.

  • At 6:29 PM, Blogger Steveg said…

    Sort of. Our agency said there is only one agency they know of and it appears that no one else has come forward to say their agency had info returned.

    And since it seems like 99% of the rumors are false in this game, I'm guessing it's not true since it's been over a week and still no word that any others had their stuff given back.

  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    I'm with Steve on this one. It's possible that one agency had to redo some paperwork, but I also haven't seen any other evidence that any agencies had stuff returned. People e-mail me all the time with questions about this type of thing. I suspect I would have seen something by now if other agencies were involved.

    It's always possible. But in this case, I think it's unlikely.

  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Suz said…

    Well, that sounds positive to me then! I hope we'll start hearing the good news soon, but at least it sounds like we should be hearing SOMETHING from some agencies by March 20!

  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger Erin said…

    Hmmmm.. We just learned from our case worker that the MOE asked for additional paperwork from our agency, not re-do, in late Feb. That paperwork was submitted in Macrch but she stated that the MOE had an additional 60 days from when the addtional paperwork was submitted..Putting us at Late April for a Decision from the MOE. Waiting for a cout date and trip #2. Erin

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