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Another semester, another Russian
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I started the spring semester teaching my one lone class last night (if you're new to the blog I'm basically retired and teach part-time at a local college). Actually it's more like very part-time since it's only one class per semester.

Last summer I had a girl that was born in the Ukraine and spoke Russian fluently. Well sure enough, I have another Russian in my class this semester. Obviously there's some cosmic thing going on.

Thankfully when I spoke a little Russian to her and asked how I did, she was much nicer in her commentary. If you recall, when I had tested out my (at the time) 5 word vocabulary on my student during the summer session and asked how my pronunciation was her reply was, "Not bad, I've heard a lot worse."

Great, thanks.
posted by Steveg @ 8:52 AM  
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Edward Dowling