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Russians Invade San Francisco, news at 11
Monday, January 29, 2007
Stef and I had lunch with one of our friends who adopted from Russia. They got back with their little girl this past April. It's really nice to have friends who were recently there because you get to pick their brains for advice and all their answers are helpful. Things change so much in Russia in terms of adoption that sometimes things you hear from people who were there 3 or 4 years ago is no longer relevant.

She also told us about a Russian Festival that's happening in February here in San Francisco. We're now planning on going and we'll see if we can get a few other local adoptive parents to head up there as well.

Oh by the way, side note here (what me digress!). I'm not a native San Franciscian but a native Californian. And here's some advice for non-Californians. Never say "Frisco" when you are saying San Francisco. I'm from Los Angeles and there is a marked difference in the culture of L.A. versus San Francisco. See, in Los Angeles the people could care less and often call their city "L.A." However, San Franciscians are far more formal (in a Californian way of course) and NEVER refer to their city as "Frisco." And when others use that term it is viewed as, well, very impolite and offensive.
posted by Steveg @ 9:44 AM  
  • At 10:26 AM, Blogger Jenni said…

    Thanks for posting about the Russia Festival! I hadn't heard about it, and it sounds like a fun event to attend. I wonder if they'll have salmon blini there.... (my favorite)

  • At 6:12 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Sounds like a great festival. Have fun and be sure to tell us all about it.

  • At 9:09 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    Yes. Frisco is a city in Texas.

    I am from Southern California. But I don't identify with L.A. at all. I also agree with you that people down here don't have as formal an affinity with their major city as folks up north do. But that's alright. It's a big state and there's plenty of space for everyone. I think.

  • At 10:44 PM, Blogger Steveg said…

    Yep. It's not that S.F. folks are really formal like New York or Boston. But it's definitely different than what I grew up with in Los Angeles.

    But I really think it's more because the weather in Southern Cal is much nicer and thus "fun-er" and as a result the culture in Northern Cal is not quite as "fun" oriented as in the south.

    But I don't know, maybe not. Just my take on 17+ years in L.A. versus 15+ years up here.

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