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Let's get rolling
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Okay with all this downtime I've decided to take on a major revamp of the blog. What does that entail you ask?

Color, color everywhere, get me some throw pillows, knock that wall down. What? I don't care if it's load-bearing, take a load off then.

Anyway, you should see some changes over the next few days. Mainly want to clean things up a bit and make it load a bit faster.

Also wanted to pass along something from Debbie's blog. It's a Google tool that to maintain the blogs you read. You create a list of your favorite blogs and it's a one-stop-shop kinda thing. It gives you links to all your blogs and even shows if they've been updated. Very cool and I highly recommend it, even if Google is one of the three members of the Axis of Evil. Microsoft and (I regret to say) my old company Apple being the other two. I know, I know and me being such a Mac guy. Well, sorry but they are just as bad as M$ and Googoo when it comes to trying to monopolize technology.
posted by Steveg @ 4:50 PM  
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I'm Steve and this is my wife Stefanie. This is our story, mostly seen through my eyes, of the journey to create our family by adopting a child from Russia.

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"The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it."

Edward Dowling