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Diaper control systems
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Diaper disposal systems are designed to hold dirty diapers and keep the foul odor out of your house. Do they work? Well, it depends on who you ask. Some people love them and others hate them. So ultimately, the answer is both "yes" and "no".

There are some things most agree on. It is true they hold dirty diapers and (depending on your nasal sensitivities) can contain the odor (as long as you don't open it up to empty it, which you're going to have to do at some point). It's also important to note that a lot of reviews you see about these systems are a bit flawed. The reason is that often the reviewer is writing it after only a couple of months use and that means with an infant.

The problem is that typically an infant on breast-milk has poop that doesn't smell all that bad.

Evidentially when a child moves to solid food God comes down and puts smell into their poo. At least that's what I've heard, so if you don't believe me I guess you're going to have to go ask God about it.

Most of my MEIT (Mommy Experts In the Trenches) gave them only a so-so rating on the high side to a "I think it sucks" on the low side. And a number of them now just use a simple garbage can (with a plastic bag in it) and just empty it often (every 10 diapers or so).

A couple of hints from MEIT for those that will buy and use them:

1. Since pee diapers don't stink just use the diaper system containers for poop diapers (which cuts down on how filled up they get). This is especially important for the Diaper Genie which has very expensive refills.

2. Really smelly diapers can be placed into a ziploc bag before going into the containers which seems to help with the odor. This can be done even if you don't buy one of these "diaper pails".

3. The world famous Arm & Hammer Baking Soda box in the bottom of the container helps greatly. Again, this too can be done if using just a garbage can.

But as MEIT has shown me, they are at best a semi-workable solution and at worst a waste of money. If you want to do some more analysis on which one to get I suggest reading epinions which has lots of reviews and for some models hundreds of reviews.

If you do look there you will notice that not one of the myriad of models (Diaper Genie, Diaper Champ, and Diaper Dekor being the big three) get more than a 3 to 3 1/2 star rating out of 5. So at this point I'm thinking that we may just forgo any of these and just go with a regular trash can (with a lid) using trash bags that are scented and just empty it often. We may even keep a box of ziploc bags there to seal the poop diapers before tossing them into the can.

Next up is how to learn how to change a diaper. Which for adopting parents is a bit more challenging since we miss out on working with a tiny infant and get to jump right into trying to handle a squirming toddler.
posted by Steveg @ 4:12 PM  
  • At 5:56 PM, Blogger Jim said…

    Ziplocs. There is no other reliable way. BTDT.

    And take diaper-sized Ziplocs to Russia with you for diaper disposal in the hotel and on the trip home. You'll be glad you did.

  • At 7:04 PM, Blogger Steveg said…

    It's funny because Stef and I both said that (about taking plenty with us to Russia).


  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger Ryan and Katie said…

    I'm not sure you need a ziploc. Just take your leftover Walmart Bags (or Costco) and tie them up. (Not just tying the handles, but actually twisting the bag to seal it all up. Much cheaper.

  • At 5:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said…

    You are too funny!

  • At 2:46 PM, Blogger Suz said…

    Yes, the trusty old trash can (with lid), scented liners and emptying it every night works better in my opinion. We had a Diaper Genie with D and finally pitched it out to the curb and just did the trash can thing.

    I guess with the genie, I wanted to fill it up as far as possible because of the expensive liners and it would sit there too long and stink up the place.

    Pee diapers do too stink if they sit there too long!

    So, it's a trash can and empty nightly plan for me.

    I truly hope V does still need diapers by the time she finally gets home!!

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