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School and technology
Monday, November 12, 2007
I think most readers know I'm in semi-retirement and teach a college courses for fun. I really try to just do one class per semester since although fun, I like the semi-retirement better than the teaching. With our second trip hopefully happening in the next few weeks I won't be here for the remainder of this semester's class. However, I worked out with my dean prior to the start of the semester a way to teach the class while I'm away. Nearly every college nowadays utilizes the technology to allow for online classes and our school is no different.

So, the last section of my class (Business Mathematics) will be taught online. And that means that this week I'll be sitting at my computer recording my lectures as podcasts. Basically just recordings of my lecture saved as mp3 files that the students can listen to online or even download and hear on their computers or even iPods. When I was working I've done many a presentation for a conference call and this is really about the same thing. My slides are online for the students to download with the podcasts. The cool part is that I can set up timed quizzes that I can also allow students to retake (as many times as I designate) and then either average their grade or merely accept the highest grade. The quizzes will randomize the questions so if a student retakes it they won't get the same questions twice.

I typically use quizzes as teaching tools rather than grading tools which is why I would allow them to retake the quiz. My exams are quite a bit tougher and with me not being there in person, I'd rather have a student retake a quiz a couple of times (while hopefully learning more of the material).

Of course I will have email access and students will be able to email me with questions. But I do find this technology a great way for me to continue the class rather than having a substitute come in.
posted by Steveg @ 8:51 AM  
  • At 10:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    That is going to work out great, and will help fill up those empty hours while you wait in the 20* cold. I guess you won't be outside more than you have to. Your little one is going to love California.
    Love, Babushka

  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Debi said…

    what a real cool set up...it seems you are so young and to be semi retired how wonderful for you and for your new little one!!

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