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Hoping we're ready to NGO
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
We're still waiting for our agency to gain the current holy grail of being able to work in Russia...the infamous NGO.

As previously mentioned, the NGO is a new requirement for the adoption agencies working there (Russia likes to create new requirements for the adoption agencies every year it seems). This one is sort of a registration saying that they are an authorized Non Governmental Organization (what we call non profits).

Agencies must have this in order to go through the normal yearly ritual of getting accredited. Our agency's accreditation expired in May and has been working (as are every other agency) to get this NGO done so that their reaccreditation can be granted. Every adoption agency must have this to continue to operate in Russia. Some agencies who still have a valid accreditation are allowed to continue to work in Russia without the NGO. But they too must get it by October 19 or will have to stop operations in Russia.

I find our agency to be exactly what I want and expect when dealing with a person/company/organization that I employ. They are totally professional and businesslike. Some folks need to have an agency that has prayer sessions with them and that's fine, but that is certainly not us. Although, there are significant emotions during this entire process for all concerned, it is still a legal process and one in which significant money is spent for the various requirements of the adoption process.

I have total confidence in our agency as they traverse the intricate and often obtuse legislation that is International Adoption. And based on the current reports we are getting (that's another reason I really respect and like them, we get very detailed updates) my feeling is that our agency will most likely have the coveted NGO within the next month with the best case being by the end of August.
posted by Steveg @ 9:30 AM  
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Edward Dowling