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Holiday Smoliday
Monday, November 19, 2007
Because we've been waiting with bated breath for the past several weeks we naturally made no plans whatsoever for Thanksgiving. And so yesterday we had to come up with a plan for what we are going to do on Thursday. Actually we're going to start setting up the "packing room" (more on that later), but most family members are in Southern California and with a 20+ hour plane ride coming up next Monday we, oddly enough, have no desire to do any traveling this week. And quite frankly we're sort of looking forward to having our last bit of quiet private time with just the two of us.

We also don't want to make some big turkey dinner for ourselves and all of the sudden Stef came up with the ideal solution. We'll make a nice dinner (with some Champagne to celebrate of course) and the entrée is...

Beef Stroganoff

How apropos you say.
posted by Steveg @ 10:58 AM  
  • At 5:06 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Don't forget the borscht!!!

    Don't blame you for not wanting to travel. Enjoy your last holiday as a couple.

  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger Melissa said…


  • At 7:53 PM, Blogger Rachael said…

    We had several nice meals at the buffet of the "Stroganoff Palace" (not sure what makes it a palace, it's really just a restaurant in a courtyard) in St. Petersburg.

    Enjoy your holiday, enjoy your rest and peace, and calm before your life changes forever (for good, of course).

    Have a great trip!

  • At 4:15 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    We are in Perm, Russia right now, and the hotel's restaurant is named Stroganoff's! So yes, it makes for a perfect Thanksgiving meal, and we have lots to thankful for.

    You're right about the 20 hour trip being not much fun. And then there is adjusting to the jet lag... Get your rest while you can!

  • At 12:04 PM, Blogger A Room to Grow said…

    We didn't make plans either but my sister is coming over and cooking Thanksgiving dinner for her boyfriend and his parents who are in town visiting. I'll help too, but don't have to do most of the heavy cooking.

    We have "the packing room" set up. Right now it is "the room collecting all of the stuff I want to take but not sure if we have room or want to lug all of this stuff over".

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Edward Dowling